Mayumi Ohta M.A.

Research Assistant TP INF

Research Assistant

Plöck 57a, Raum 216
69117 Heidelberg

Tel. 06221 - 54 - 7236


room: 216

Platzhalter für ein Personenfoto


Mayumi Ohta obtained her Bachelor's and Master's degree in Computational Linguistics at Heidelberg University. Her Master thesis  received a distinction and also a special mention in the best paper award of the 6th International Conference on Machine Learning, Optimization, and Data Science (LOD). After her graduation, she gathered professional experience as a machine learning expert both in industry and academia in the field of Natural Language Processing. Her current research interests lie in Language Modeling with a special focus on explainability.

Since October 2024, she is a research assistant of SFB 1671 “Heimat(en): Phänomene, Praktiken, Darstellungen”, and working on IT-administarion and AI-applications.

Research Interests

  • Retrieval Augmented Generation
  • Representation Learning
  • Explainable AI