Yawen Hu M.A.

Doktorandin im Teilprojekt B01

SFB 1671
Center for Asian and Transcultural Studies (CATS)

Voßstraße 2
Building 4400
69115 Heidelberg

E-Mail: y.hu@sfb1671.uni-heidelberg.de

Raum: 400.01.11


Zur Person

Yawen Hu is working on the Teilprojekt B01, “Auf der Suche nach Heimat – Musikkulturelle Praxis in Ostasien.” Her research explores the concept of “Heimat” by analyzing music, musical instruments, and practices through material, visual, and historical lenses. Before joining this project, she earned a Master’s degree in Transcultural Studies from Heidelberg University and Kyoto University in 2022, specializing in visual, media, and material cultures. In 2016, she completed a Master’s degree in Literary and Comparative Studies at Hong Kong Baptist University. Her academic foundation began with a Bachelor’s degree in Chinese Language and Literature in mainland China.


  • Musical practice in East Asia
  • Socialist China
  • Visual and material cultures
  • Sensory experience (with a focus on gustatory experience)